The admissions process is designed to identify scholars and families who demonstrate motivation and a desire to excel within Ladies of Favor Dream Academy.
In reviewing applications, the Admissions Committee considers:​
Individual Character & Talents
Academic performance
Standardized skills assessment
Individual character and talents
Applying to Ladies of Favor Dream Academy requires the following steps:
Submit online application here.
An interview and academic assessment with the Admissions Committee will be scheduled. This meeting will include at least Administrator, potential student, and parent/legal guardian.
Acceptance or Denial Letters are provided within three (3) business days regarding the students’ enrollment status into Ladies of Favor Dream Academy. Please note: Ladies of Favor Dream Academy has the right to deny or admit students as necessary. The decision is based on the recommendation of the Admissions Committee. Ladies of Favor Dream Academy does not discriminate based on a students’ race, nationality, color, creed, religion, or ethnicity.
Registration is complete once the Enrollment Contract is signed and all financial obligations are satisfied.
Ladies of Favor Dream Academy requires the completion and submission of the following items before a student can be considered for full admission.
Enrollment Application
Letter of Recommendation
Interview with Admission Committee
Supporting Documents
Enrollment & Matriculation Fee